Advertised plans and planning registers

Quick Tasks
I want to view advertised plans
Some planning permit applications are required to be advertised to anyone who may be affected by the proposal, usually the adjoining owners and occupiers. During the advertising period, the plans and documents associated with the planning application will be available for viewing. Applications can be viewed online. You will need the planning permit number or the property address as per the notice you have received or sign at the front of the site.
The documents and plans are made available for the sole purpose of consideration and review as part of the planning permit process under the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The documents and plans must not be used for any purpose which may breach copyright.
I want to express my support for a planning permit application
You are able to make a submission in support of a planning permit application currently on advertising.
The submission must include your name, postal address, email and phone number. If you do not include these details, you will not receive updates or notice of Council's decision on the application. Please also include the planning permit reference number which will start with PLP, or the address of the property.
Submissions can be lodged online, or you can call our Planning Team to discuss other options.
Submissions are not confidential. As required in Section 57 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, a copy of your submission including your name and address may be made available to any person, including the applicant, for the purpose of consideration as part of the planning process and may also be included in any Council meeting agenda.
I want to lodge an objection to a planning permit application
If you believe you will be adversely affected by the proposal, you can submit an objection to Council. The submission must include your name, postal address, email and phone number. If you do not include these details, you will not receive updates or notice of Council's decision on the application.
The submission must state the reasons for your objection and how you will be affected by the application. As part of your submission, you can include suggestions for changes to the application to address your concerns. Please also include the planning permit reference number which will start with PLP, or the address of the property.
Submissions can be lodged online, or you can call our Planning team to discuss other options.
Your objection should be submitted before the closing date on the Notice of the Application, however Council must consider any objection received before a decision is made on the application.
Petitions are counted as one objection are counted as one objection, regardless of the number of signatories. All correspondence will be sent to the first signatory or any other person as nominated. Separate objections are required from each petitioner if they wish to have objector status and associated appeal rights.
Council can only consider objections that are based on planning grounds (property devaluation and commercial competition are not valid grounds of objection). Some planning permit applications are exempt from notice and appeal rights, as outlined in the Ballarat Planning Scheme. These applications are not advertised and there is no opportunity to object.
Submissions are not confidential. As required in Section 57 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, a copy of your submission including your name and address may be made available to any person, including the applicant, for the purpose of consideration as part of the planning process and may also be included in any Council meeting agenda.
I want to view the status of past planning permit applications
The status of past planning permit applications can be tracked online.