Nature Strips
The City of Ballarat is proud of the presentation of the City and its streetscapes
Under the City of Ballarat’s Road Management Plan, property owners have an obligation to maintain the nature strip bordering their property.
Grass is the preferred surface as it is drought tolerant, contributes greenery to the streetscape, is permeable to rainwater, enables access to underground services with minimal lasting surface disruption and provides overflow space for constructed footpaths and unconstructed pedestrian areas alike.
Soft-limbed ground cover plants that do not pose a risk to the public or environment are also permissible.
Refer to for a list of weeds which must not be planted.
Maintenance tasks may include mowing, watering, re-levelling, or planting grass/ground cover.
Street trees are not to be planted or pruned by the public. Please contact the City of Ballarat about street tree planting and maintenance.
As per Victoria’s Road Safety Road Rules 2017, cars are not to be parked on nature strips. Fines may apply and vehicle owners held liable for any damage.
Obtaining a Nature Strip Alteration or Planter Box Permit
Permits ensure the owner accepts responsibility for maintenance and safety regarding changes to nature strips.
Download the Nature Strip Alterations Fact Sheet
Download the Nature Strip Plater Boxes Fact Sheet
How do I apply for a permit?
- Visit eservices, find your property, and follow the prompts.
- You will need to register before you can access the permit application.
In person
- Visit our Customer Service Centre.
Processing fees
These fees are current for Nature Strip Alteration and Planter Box permits the 2023-2024 financial year and are subject to change each financial year.
- Nature strip alteration; manual (hand excavation) - $20
- Nature strip alteration (mechanical) – $92.94
- Planter Box application - $20
No Spray Register
The City of Ballarat’s Urban Weed Control Program is undertaken throughout the year to control vegetation and weeds on urban streets, footpaths, kerb, gutters, and laneways. There are a number of spray cycles per year which are based on the life cycle of the weeds and are aimed at preventing the spread of any new seeds. The timing of this program depends on seasonal growth and weather conditions.
The City of Ballarat teams utilise chemical herbicides in order to control the weeds and vegetation. If you do not wish for us to undertake spraying on the road reserve in front of or along your property you can apply to be listed on the No Spray Register below.
If you choose to register your property on the No Spray Register, you assume responsibility for the management of weeds on the road reserve in front of or alongside your property.
If you do choose to join the No Spray Register, you will need to contact Ballarat City Council in writing if you wish to be removed from the register in the future via email to or by post to PO Box 655 Ballarat, VIC, 3350.