Your general waste bin
The contents of your rubbish bin go directly to our landfill in Smythesdale. Taking rubbish to landfill is the least preferred way to get rid of rubbish in Australia. The City of Ballarat is here to help reduce how much waste is going to landfill. Your rubbish bin should only have household waste that cannot be recycled through your yellow or green lid bins, or other recycling options such as Pass on Glass drop off sites or the Transfer Station.

What can go in my waste bin?
Household waste that can’t be recycled can go into your waste bin. This includes:
- Animal waste
- Baby wipes
- Baking paper
- Band aids
- Biscuit trays (where scrunched, stays scrunched; if it unfolds back to its shape, it can go in your recycling bin)
- Bread bag clips
- Ceramics, broken
- Cigarette butts
- Cling wrap/plastic film
- Clothing, coat hangers, textiles (that are too worn or broken to be donated to charity or op shops)
- Coffee cups (takeaway cup and lid)
- Cordial bottles (with handle)
- Cosmetic containers (plastic or glass)
- Cutlery (metal, that’s too worn or broken to be donated to charity or op shops)
- Cutlery (plastic #6)
- Earbuds
- Face wipes
- Foam boxes
- Glass wear (broken glasses, glass plates, pyrex, etc.)
- Hose (garden)
- Kitty litter (if it can’t be composted)
- Laminated paper
- Meat trays (polystyrene, plastic #6)
- Meat trays
- Meat and fish bones
- Microwave meal trays
- Nail polish
- Nappies
- Paper cups
- Plant pots (empty)
- Plastic bottle lids (milk bottle lids, juice bottle lids, etc.)
- Plastic strapping
- Polystyrene (household plastic #6)
- Ropes
- Rubber products
- Sanitary products
- Shoes (that are too worn or broken to be donated to charity or op shops)
- Straws (plastic)
- Styrofoam
- Tetra Paks (e.g. long life milk cartons)
- Vacuum cleaner dust (bagged)
- Waxed cardboard
- Waxed/soiled paper (e.g. muffin patties)
- Window glass (wrapped)
- Wire bag ties
How can I reduce what goes into my waste bin?
You might be able to recycle some items that would usually go into your waste bin.
Items you can drop off at our pass on glass sites:
- Glass (bottles, jars, empty and clean, no lids)
Residents will need to place their soft plastics into their general household waste. Please note: Soft plastics are unable to be recycled via the yellow-lid mixed recyclables bin.
Items you can place in your home compost bin:
- Corks
- Fruit and vegetables
- Hair (human, animal)
- Kitty litter (if compostable)
- Napkins
- Paper towel and tissue
- Tea bags with string
- Vacuum cleaner dust
- Vegetable scraps
Items you can donate to charity or op shops:
- Clothing, textiles, coat hangers
- Cutlery (metal)
- Eyewear/glasses
- Shoes
- Toys (plush, plastic)
- Electronic items