Learning to steward Ballarat’s natural environment | ourballarat spring 2023

Are you curious about Ballarat’s natural environment, but aren’t sure where to start in terms of learning about it?

A group of people standing in bushland near a river

The Nature Stewards program, which the City of Ballarat is hosting again this Spring and Autumn 2024, is a good place to start. The 10-week program connects curious people with their local and wider habitats.

From rocks, soil and fungi, to climate change and seasons, City of Ballarat Senior Sustainable Policy Officer Heath Steward says the Nature Stewards program gives participants a “crash course" in environmental science.

The program, which is operated by the Victorian National Parks Association and hosted by local councils, is a great way for residents to gain knowledge about the local environment, learn practical skills and meet like-minded people.

Program participants meet on Saturdays at Lucas Community Hub, with off-site trips and guest presenters scheduled some weeks.

“A lot of these off-site trips are quite eye-opening because many people don’t know these parts of Ballarat existed, and they could see the theory they were learning about in practice,” Heath says.

The Nature Stewards program is open to people of all ages and backgrounds.

“Last time, we had had participants that worked in completely unrelated industries to students studying environmental science at university,” Heath says.

“The common factor is people had an interest and put their hand up to get involved.”

The City of Ballarat subsidises the cost of the program for participants – the program costs $350 per person, however, City of Ballarat residents can join the program for $90.