Contribute to the direction of the ourballarat magazine

The image says 'Have your say on the future of the ourballarat magazine'.

The City of Ballarat is calling for the community’s feedback on the ourballarat magazine. 

The ourballarat survey is seeking input on several aspects of the magazine, including content, format, length and overall direction. The survey will also provide residents with the opportunity to express their interest in participating in a focus group relating to the magazine. 

What is the ourballarat magazine? 
The 16-page publication is distributed to households across the City of Ballarat local government area on a quarterly basis. It features local people and places, with a range of news, articles and event information to keep residents and ratepayers up to date with City of Ballarat services, programs, initiatives and events.  

The magazine is currently available in both print and online formats. It is written and designed by City of Ballarat staff, with photography undertaken by a range of local photographers.  

How to get involved 
There are several ways community members can contribute to the future direction of the ourballarat magazine:  

  • Fill out the postcard survey inserted into the spring edition of the ourballarat magazine, which will be distributed to households in late August and early September.  
  • Fill out the online MySay survey on the City of Ballarat MySay page.  

Community members that participate in the survey — either the postcard or online survey — will have the opportunity to specify if they’d be interested in participating in a focus group relating to the future direction of the magazine. If you’re interested in participating in the focus group, please specify on the survey or email with your name and contact details.  

City of Ballarat Mayor Cr Des Hudson encouraged residents to contribute to the direction of the magazine going forward.  

“With 80 services and 120 programs, the City of Ballarat contributes to the local community in many ways — the ourballarat magazine is designed to capture and communicate some of the highlights for our community,” he said.  

“However, we want to ensure that the magazine is meeting the needs of local residents, which is why I’d encourage you to have your say on the direction of the magazine going forward.”  

The spring edition of the ourballarat magazine, along with past editions, will soon be available on the ourballarat page of the City of Ballarat website

To participate in the survey, visit the City of Ballarat MySay page