Ballarat Seniors Awards
Do you know an older Ballarat person who makes a difference in our community?

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The annual Ballarat Seniors Awards acknowledge and celebrate inspirational people aged 60 years and over (and First Nations people 50 years and over), who are making a significant contribution to the Ballarat community.
Ballarat Seniors Awards Winners for 2024

Senior of the Year Award: Marion Blythman
Marion is a dedicated and reliable individual who has been volunteering at Ballarat Mechanics Institute for the last 20 years, overseeing the preservation of artefacts important to the history of Ballarat, as well as supporting the library collections.
Marion has also been a Regional Convener in the Community Visitors Program for the Office of the Public Advocate for 17 years. She is responsible for leading a volunteer team of 10 who visit 57 group homes throughout the Ballarat area to advocate for people with a disability. Visits from Marion and her team protect vulnerable residents from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Community Service Award: Keith Moore
Keith has been a member of the Wendouree Senior Citizens Club for many years and dedicates an average of 25 hours a week making the club a better place for all. He played a significant role in rebuilding the club after it almost closed during the pandemic and his hard work has seen the club double in size.
He is an active member of Ballarat Vintage Brass, a life member of the Victorian Bands League and City of Heidelberg Band, drill adjudicator for over 20 years for the Brass Band Festival – Mt Gambier and has also been involved in Lions and Rotary clubs.
Community Teamwork Award: Anglicare Community Breakfast Team
The Anglicare Community Breakfast Volunteer Team is a group of 12 volunteers. They provide daily breakfast to 15 to 40 vulnerable and homeless people in Ballarat, equating to 6200 breakfasts for 450 people per year. The team prepares, serves and cleans up the breakfast meal.
During the morning rush, the volunteers engage with the attendees, many of whom they know by name and are familiar with their regular orders. Their work provides stability, helps alleviate hunger, isolation and loneliness and promotes dignity and belonging.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Award: Maria John
Maria is a committee member and newsletter editor at Alfredton and Lucas Probus Group, a committee member for Ballarat Indian Association, and a volunteer with Ballarat Community Health. She volunteers at welcome morning teas, welcome bus tours for Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council and coordinates Indian cultural performances in the community.
She is seen as a role model in the Indian community for her active use of social media promoting community events and women’s health. Maria actively promotes the creative work of children in the community and acts as an informal advocate and mentor to newly arrived residents and local families and individuals.
Healthy and Active Living Award: Jack Yang
Jack is an active member of Ballarat’s Chinese community, leading cultural and Tai Chi demonstrations at many different local festivals. He has set up the English Corner Group at Barkly Square to support the older Ballarat Chinese community by teaching English and has inspired other Ballarat residents to become involved tutoring English.
He volunteers with connection advocates In Great Company by visiting isolated seniors, as well as teaching Tai Chi and conducting flute performances in aged care homes in Ballarat. Jack leads a free morning Tai Chi class, 7 days a week by Lake Wendouree, rain, hail or shine, sharing health benefits, social connection and intercultural friendship with anyone who wishes to attend.
Lifetime Achievement Award: joint winners John O’Brien and Ian Drew
John is a life member of the Brown Hill Cricket Club, Ballarat Cricket Association and has umpired 680 local cricket games over 34 years. He also coached junior football for many years and currently works the BBQ on Friday nights for winter Auskick and numerous other community events.
John also volunteers with the Brown Hill Progress Association, Caledonian Primary School and Brown Hill Playgroup, and manages advertising in the Brown Hill Community Newsletter and coordinates a team of eight who deliver 2750 hardcopies four times a year.
Ian has been involved in Lions Clubs for 48 years, firstly at Wendouree before establishing the Brown Hill Lions Club as Charter president in 1985, where he remains an active member. He led the project to establish a community hall, which operates as a meeting place for the club, as well as a space PINARC Disability Support Services to run programs for their clients.
Ian has also been a driving force in the establishment of Inkerman Gully Park in Ballarat North, fundraising for the annual 3BA Winter Appeal, and in door knocking for Red Shield Appeal for many years.
Read the news article Recognising Ballarat’s outstanding seniors - to see the wrap up of the night and comments from City of Ballarat Director of Community Wellbeing Matt Wilson.
2023 Award winners
Contact us
Ageing Well Services
Rebecca Marsh on 0417 042 135
We have a number of programs, services and activities to meet the needs of our residents aged 55 years and over.
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