Planning Delegated Committee Meetings

Planning Delegated Committee Meetings start at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber, Ballarat Town Hall, 225 Sturt Street.

The purpose of the Planning Delegated Committee is to:

  • Assess and determine planning permit applications which cannot be assessed and determined by Council officers under delegation and/or which are ‘called in’ by Councillors or are otherwise referred at the discretion of the Council officer
  • Provide Council with advice and recommendations with respect to relevant strategic planning matters to assist its decision making for the community in Ballarat; and
  • Make decisions in relation to proposed Planning Scheme amendments as permitted by the Planning and Environment Act 1987, in particular to seek authorisation of an amendment and to refer submissions to a panel. 

Provide a public submission to the Delegated Planning Committee

Watch Planning Delegated Committee Meetings on our live broadcast